
Showing posts from April, 2020

Why do you need to Seek Past Life Regression Therapy?

Are you repeating an unexplained pattern of behavior?   Are you searching for your purpose in life? Afraid to grow deeper in a relationship? Facing difficulty in enduring the loss of love ones who left you? Looking for a solution to your unexplained phobias? Are you battling with depression, guilt, anxiety or lack of confidence? Are you challenged by self-limited attitudes and belief? Are you curious about your past life? The solution too many unexplained questions lie deeper in our past lives and thus you need to seek past life regression through past life therapy. Past life regression therapy covers the journey of your past lives and also the memories of your current life which are wandering in your unconscious mind. It takes us through the past life traumas that are distorting our mental, physical or social well-being and thus needs to be resolved. It could be a past life trauma of some accident or the haunting memories of some childhood trauma, family conflicts ...