
How to Access Your Akashic Records?

Akashic record reading has its root from ancient times which relates to the word ‘akasha’ meaning voids or space. From the bible to other sacred texts, there is a belief that our soul travels from many lifetimes. Every soul journey extends past an individual’s life and each life journey is recorded in an energy-based realm known as Akashic records.  The akashic record is a spiritual soul healing techniques of entering these energy-based realms of an individual soul and helps to extract the information that is contained in one’s soul record. But what benefit can it bring to your everyday life? Akashic record reading solves many problems in your life such as extracting information from your past life experience to solve past life traumas, personal and professional conflicts, unexplained behavioural patterns. One must know that the best and most efficient way to get rid of your life problems is to first explore its root cause otherwise, the symptoms may reappear after ...

How to eliminate everyday life problems with spiritual techniques?

We face many difficulties in our lives, some alter with our physical wellness whereas some disturb our mental status and we believe that the solution to those problems lies somewhere with our physical and mental wellness. But we need to know that our body needs a well-balanced soul-body-mind harmony to eliminate every life problem. There are many problems in our life that have a spiritual foundation and thus need spiritual attention for improvement. It can be a past life trauma, relationship quarrels, family breaking, chronic illness, lack of confidence, barriers in career achievements, professional relations, mental issues and many such problems which are affecting your everyday quality of life. Before looking for a solution to these problems, you need to ask yourself if you are actually aware of the cause of these problems. If no, then how can you find the right solution without knowing the root cause of the problem itself? There are many spiritual interventions that ...

Why do you need to Seek Past Life Regression Therapy?

Are you repeating an unexplained pattern of behavior?   Are you searching for your purpose in life? Afraid to grow deeper in a relationship? Facing difficulty in enduring the loss of love ones who left you? Looking for a solution to your unexplained phobias? Are you battling with depression, guilt, anxiety or lack of confidence? Are you challenged by self-limited attitudes and belief? Are you curious about your past life? The solution too many unexplained questions lie deeper in our past lives and thus you need to seek past life regression through past life therapy. Past life regression therapy covers the journey of your past lives and also the memories of your current life which are wandering in your unconscious mind. It takes us through the past life traumas that are distorting our mental, physical or social well-being and thus needs to be resolved. It could be a past life trauma of some accident or the haunting memories of some childhood trauma, family conflicts ...

Guide to Angel Oracle Card reading: Step by Step

Are you aware with the basic knowledge of what angle oracle card reading does and what are its beneficial outcomes? Well even if you do not know, there is nothing to worry about. Here is your guide to Angel oracle card reading step by step to help you assist in reading a more accurate predictions or getting answers to your cosmic questions or even locating your inner knowledge. 1. Preparations It is of uttermost importance to enter any field with the basic preparations as only a good foundation can lead to the desired results. The key to Angel oracle card reading is the reader’s undivided attention and thus you need a place where you can completely immense yourself completely and have a clear mind before entering   the oracle card reading. The best advice is to choose a quiet corner of your room with an optimum air and sun-lighting. You can also lighten some incense stick to create a positive aura surrounding you. 2.   Have a clear intention Never...

Importance of the Spiritual Cleansing of Your House

Have you ever felt chills when entering into your house or a specific room? Well, it is the rightest choice to deal with this unusual feeling rather than stacking the pile of worries and uneasiness on your chest. For many of the worries whose existence seems unreal to us, generally has their roots entangled with a spiritual cause. What is spiritual house cleansing? Sometimes there are negative energy filling the voids in your house. These energies hamper with the vibrant and peaceful environment of your house and fill the emotion of sadness, worry, drained, depression and irritation in the residents as well. It is necessary to get rid of these unwanted energies before they completely house themselves in your resident. Soul healing techniques  is a way of using a different type of techniques to remove the dark entities and earthbound spirit that are causing unnecessary problems in your lives. From chanting to applying smoldering resins of myrrh and praying with ...

Soul Healing Techniques to Reduce Worries in Life

Healing the soul is a holistic approach to an individual’s well-being and a combined intervention of one’s body, mind and soul. Soul healing techniques addresses our soul at every niche, i.e. at emotional, physical, spiritual and mental level eliminating all the waste or toxins and rejuvenating our soul for a better self. We put in a lot of efforts to keep our body healthy, we intake healthy and balanced diet, focus on exercise, eliminating any extra put up weight; similarly, we need to take care of our soul as well.   When we practice soul healing our body and mind regain its harmony with the soul and elevate the energy, clear our emotions and filter all the negative thoughts that pull us back to zero. There are several criteria you need to focus on while performing soul healing techniques. 1. Focus on your inner self For some of us, it is difficult to focus our attention at one single thing for a definite period of time and thus we give up on the v...

Spiritual Healing Courses in Delhi

Our soul is immortal. It travels from one life form to another. Our bodies reincarnate numerous times but our soul takes every life experience with itself. In each life, all the good or bad deeds we do, all the mistakes we make and all the wrongdoings we do, our soul becomes the core of all these piled up actions. Karma board reading as the name suggests relates to karma ‘ The effect of an individual’s intents or deeds on his or her future’ . The karmic board reading teaches the spiritual path to attain moksha from the cycle of incarnation relying on the theory of the karmic cycle.   Who do we need Karma Board Reading? The karmic board reading opens up the book of deeds and summarize our complete life’s experience. One misconception we need to eliminate is that the members of karmic boards are not seated to punish us for our wrong deeds but they are there to assist ourselves and our soul on the path of spiritual progress, balancing out our debts and he...