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Our soul is immortal. It travels from one life form to another. Our bodies reincarnate numerous times but our soul takes every life experience with itself. In each life, all the good or bad deeds we do, all the mistakes we make and all the wrongdoings we do, our soul becomes the core of all these piled up actions.

Karma board reading as the name suggests relates to karma ‘The effect of an individual’s
intents or deeds on his or her future’. The karmic board reading teaches the spiritual path to attain moksha from the cycle of incarnation relying on the theory of the karmic cycle.  

Who do we need Karma Board Reading?

The karmic board reading opens up the book of deeds and summarize our complete life’s experience. One misconception we need to eliminate is that the members of karmic boards are not seated to punish us for our wrong deeds but they are there to assist ourselves and our soul on the path of spiritual progress, balancing out our debts and help us to choose the right future path.
If you are not physically or mentally well then you can put a request on the Karmic board to eliminate the cause of your discomfort or if you are facing a financial or per se problems in your relationship, then the merciful bodies of helpful intelligence on this karma board will move towards a better consequence.

What is Karma Board?

Karma board is a board consisting of a group of ascended masters that overlook at each soul’s profile through planetary and soul interception.
 It consists of following ascended being of light; Lady Portia, goddess of justice; Lady Nada, goddess of love; Pallas Athena, goddess of truth; Elohim Cyclopea; Kwan Yin, goddess of mercy; Great divine director, Manu of the seventh root race. Lady Portia is the spokesperson for the board.

Every third month, that is four times in a year, the members of karmic board assets the karma of every human being and evaluate their karmic issues, taking in their requests and oversee the spiritual evolution of this planet. This meeting is done to promote the equilibrium between the individual soul and the cosmic laws and then deciding on the choices that alleviate the burden of karma.
The council review the request of the souls that are deemed worthy and useful to life. Once allowed, that individual receives direct help from the council to assist in his or her evolution.

If you win the petition that is presented to the divine judges, then you will gain the assistance of your I AM Presence and the Holy Christic Self and the divine council of Karma to free you from the wheel of reincarnation.

This periodic event gives us the chance to redirect our free will choice to the Karma board for releasing our negative karmas, asking for forgiveness, for the transmutation of karma, the release of old sanskaras and following the project of light and ascension.

Sharoo Sahni at Spiritual Aloha is well experienced with spiritual healing techniques. She heals the individual through her impactful healing processes that enrich and elevate an individual’s life experience at the same time. Know your karma through karma board reading or establish a positive connection with your angels through free oracle card reading. She offers different teaching and healing session to rejuvenate your soul and free you from the burdens of day to day life.


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